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What I Didn’t Say: Introduction


This is my second column here on Sunset Media Wave so I don’t think introductions are that necessary, but I’m Nathalie. This column will be for my poetry and short stories, or any idea or thought that I didn’t or couldn’t say right away. It’s not very easy for me to get my thoughts out right away. It’s sometimes frustrating for me to talk. But I write because I hope that someone else will read it and be able to relate. So for my first post, I hope that this poem is a good start.


This poem was something I was muttering to myself walking home alone from school. How I normally start off is with a line and I kind of build off from there. There was a lot of scratch writing, drafts and editing it in my physics class. Just a heads up, my poems might come off as a little vague –  I know I’ve been told a couple of times, I’ve even told myself… But I probably won’t go into long explanations about my poems, I’ve read somewhere that “if you don’t understand it without words, you won’t understand it with words.” I think it makes a lot of sense, but it sort of doesn’t because poems are words, and I’m contradicting everything… oh my gosh.