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The Aftermath: Introducing The Aftermath

Welcome to Aftermath, the only periodic installment you’ll find of the urbane and entertaining metal band, Aftershock. Aftershock was established in 2013 and is comprised of five high school guys. Each one of us come from varying musical backgrounds, but we all share a common interest in the genre of metal. People tend to view the metal genre as angry and violent, and they aren’t completely wrong. I can empathize with those who detest the loud sounds that metal produces, but I love playing metal because of the energetic and grooving sensation that forms when our band plays in time. In Aftershock, we tend to create groove/thrash metal pieces, but our covers range from Black Sabbath to Lamb of God. We look forward to expanding our tastes and eventually playlists to different sub-genres and artists. In this column, you will further look into my life as Aftershock’s lead guitarist.

When people ask me what Aftershock is about, I usually exaggerate my image of the band — like most band members do —but to sell it to you straight, Aftershock is more like a hobby; a group of kids that get together to enjoy the harmony that is created. Check in with this column to find updates, covers, rehearsals, recorded concerts, and even complete single covers!  Stay tuned and keep shredding.

*****On November 20, 2015, Aftershock will be performing at the annual Abraham Lincoln High School talent show, Talent of Ages, at 7:00 p.m. Directions to the school can be found here.*****