Hello and welcome back to my second post here at Music for You! Yay! Today I will be showing you The Space Bubble (AKA my workspace) (AKA my bedroom) and what I will be using to record my videos and document their backstories. My tracks will be recorded in a professional, fancy studio, but my videos will generally be recorded in the only clean area of my room. I’m not joking though. My room is so messy, but I’m still going to invite you in to show you where I’ll be doing most of my recordings.
Here is my little space.

My piano is in between my two guitars, and my baby guitar (¾ size) is the one on top of the piano. I feel like I should name my instruments because many people name their cars or important belongings, but I haven’t really gotten around to it. I feel like I would just forget them the second I make them up.
My Instruments

My piano is a Casio electronic hand-me-down from my older sister, Sabrina. It took me years to attain this from her because I had to wait for her to graduate (which she did last year) before I could finally get it. I get to use it whenever I want to now, without having to get her approval, which was always annoying because she almost never let me use it when I asked. Secretly, I always played it when she wasn’t home though. I wasn’t very sneaky because she always knew, but I would also sometimes leave a sticky note on her wall telling her that I played it because I felt bad, which probably wasn’t very smart.

My first guitar is a Copley acoustic guitar that I got from my dad’s friend (who I called Uncle Raphael). I got it in the fifth grade but I barely ever touched it. I didn’t know how to play it at all, and I broke two of the strings trying to tune it, which I also didn’t know how to do. When I started taking voice lessons in the seventh grade, my voice teacher—Kristina Bennett—was also a guitarist, so she taught me the basics about guitar playing: how to tune the guitar, replace the strings, and all the finger placements. After I learned the basics, I just went from there and started to pick stuff up on my own. The strings on this guitar were too hard for my un-calloused fingers though, so I bought a classical guitar that had nylon guitars to slowly build up the needed callouses. I was a baby who didn’t like pain.

My second guitar, a classical Lucero guitar, has nylon strings and sounds more mellow than my other acoustics. This was my first big self-investment (not including candy and clothes). I wanted to use my own (not hard-earned / Chinese New Years’) money to buy my guitars because I felt that it would be really mine and not something that I got from someone else. I think it’s a dominance thing. It’s kind of weird, but I’m a weird person, so it’s okay. Before I bought this guitar, I did a ton of research, so when I went into the Guitar Center in downtown San Francisco to buy it, I already knew what I wanted. But the first sales person that I met there tried to scam me into buying a more expensive guitar by saying that they had sold out of this particular guitar, which I had specifically asked for. When I asked another sales associate, he said there was still one left, so my mom, who was with me at the time, was really peeved at the previous sales associate. We bought an extra guitar stand and bag from the nice sales associate just to piss off our previous one, which was kind of immature, but funny of us.

My third guitar is an acoustic-electric ¾ size guitar from Yamaha. It’s my current favorite guitar because it’s my newest one and the most expensive one. Considering my cheap Asian self, this was my biggest investment ever. It took a lot of convincing before I could get my mom to agree. She ordered it for me, but I payed her back, which damaged my savings significantly [cries]. It can be plugged into an amp—which I have yet to purchase—and has a built-in tuner. This will be the main guitar that I use during my recording sessions at the studio because of its small size and convenience, but the sound quality of this guitar is also really great. It rings out smoothly and clearly, and I just really like it. There isn’t really much of a story behind this guitar YET, but I’m sure there will be in the future with my adventures at The Wave.
A Little Update on My Music.
I know you all were probably expecting a cover for this post, but I promise that my first official cover will be up very soon. I already have the audio recorded, and I just need to record the video and post it so we can actually start jamming with each other. I finally got a new phone too, after years of waiting for an upgrade, so I can take better quality photos and videos for all of you. Hope you like it, and hope you are looking forward to the next post!
Although my first song (which you all may or may not have guessed it yet) is not up, I promised you an interactive column, so I want you to help me pick my next song. Here are the songs that I have lined up for the next covers:
Please comment below, and I will listen to your suggestions. I’ll take the most picked one and that’ll be the song that I cover. Remember, my music is for you, so choose what you want.