Welcome to the kitchen! Sorry for the mess. Unfortunately, my co-workers spilled the beans and the health inspector found out that our kitchen was filled with rats. (EWWW!!!!)
Now we’re remodeling the kitchen, which should take a few months. We will get to you back with some more reviews and game plays when we re-open over the summer. A few you upcoming reviews you can look forward to are for the games Undertale and Tales of Zestiria. Undertale is a single-player roleplaying game made by Toby Fox. Tales of Zestiria is a Japanese roleplaying game made by Hideo Baba. The game starts off with a young man named Sorey, who is blessed with powers by a mystical spirit race known as the Seraphim.

That’s what all you fellow game fiends have to look forward to in the months ahead! I have to go now you see the health inspector, who is waiting for me to pay my “bills” (wink, wink) so I can re-open my kitchen. This is your host Alfreddo signing out. See you in a couple of months!