Hello friends!
In lieu of the new cycle of Sunset Media Wave, some slight changes are being made to this column! In the middle of the month, I will be posting something like an introduction or precursor to a main post that will then appear at the end of the month. I will still be posting restaurant reviews and baking goods recipes, but I’d thought I should make this column more personal and talk about why I chose each recipe or restaurant! Also, in this new format, I will be talking about stories of my life pertaining to the food, restaurant, or topic. I hope that seems remotely interesting to you all! In this post, I am going to talk about my first brunch escapade in quite some time!
After the semester-long trek of enduring through mountains of college applications and personal statements that consumed my life for the past four months, I thought I needed to treat myself for finally submitting all of the apps! If any of you have not gone through the torturous trap called college applications, you should start early and make sure not to procrastinate — brainstorm and start in the summer! Or else you may be sucked into an endless vortex of schoolwork and extracurricular activities come mid-August, until you realize it’s then the beginning of November and you only have three weeks until UC apps are due. Surprisingly and thankfully, this didn’t happen to me, but try not to let this happen to you! Anyway, I thought what better way to treat myself than to find myself a nice plate of deliciously overpriced breakfasts at noon? Also, two of my friends, Ally and Josie, recently turned 18 (or was it 81?) and our friend group— including Jackie, Joyanne, and Tyler— wanted to use this as an excuse to get brunch.
We decided to go to the Blackwood Cafe, which is a Thai-American fusion restaurant with flavors that stimulate your taste buds. Blackwood specializes in every meal of the day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch, linner—the works. I initially heard about this picturesque restaurant through my favorite YouTuber/vlogger, Wahlie as Wah and Weylie have documented their occasional visits to the joint. My mouth salivated every time I saw the steaming stone pot dishes, the sweet and tangy millionaire’s bacon, or the delectable eggs in their videos.
When the time finally came, I half expected to run into Weylie when I first arrived at the joint. Alas, they weren’t there, but I hope I’ll meet them in person soon—as quite a few of my friends have already. Nevertheless, my slight disappointment didn’t take away from my experience in the nice atmosphere and with nice company.
After our stomachs were satisfied, we decided to wander through the neighborhood. However, we didn’t want to spend any more money because brunch at Blackwood sadly costs an arm and a leg. Being the “rambunctious” teenagers we were, we loitered around the stores in the area. We looked around Urban Outfitters and ventured off to the vinyl disc section. Needless to say, we (or Joyanne) spent a good while taking pictures of our friends holding the records in front of them so that the record cover looked compatible with our bodies.

We didn’t do much after that, but I still enjoyed looking around the Marina district, since I don’t get to go there very often. This is all I have to say for now and thank you for enduring and listening to this miscellaneous blurb. Stay tuned at the end of the month for the actual review of the restaurant to get a taste of their delicious dishes!
See you later,
Jenny from the Block
Photos courtesy of Joyanne Ibay