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The Wave: Beach Day

“You can always rely on the weather in San Francisco,” said no one. Ever. A thorn in the side of many a meteorologist, SF’s unpredictable climate doesn’t always just rain on our proverbial parade, sometimes it decides to instead to burn through the city’s trademark fog, tossing the clouds to the side in order to allow bursts of glorious California sunshine through.

In the outermost reaches of the Sunset, such a day occurred not so long ago, and as such, we decided to poke our heads out from behind our computer screens in order to soak in all in. Not simply content to bathe in the rejuvenating beach vibes, a select few members of The Wave went so far as to procure a number of pump-activated water-squirting devices (water guns to the layman), and so a epic water battle for the ages took place on that gloriously sun-kissed afternoon; captured here in brief video format.

All that is to say: Sometimes we have too much fan at The Wave