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The Builder’s Block: Introduction

Welcome to my column, The Builder’s Block. When I tell people I build with LEGO, the majority of them will respond with a surprised, “What?” followed by the overly-repeated phrase, “LEGO is just for kids.” That’s why I don’t normally tell people that building with LEGO is one of my hobbies. Despite the not-so-subtle discouragement I receive from my peers, my passion for LEGO building has continued to thrive. A few years ago I found out that there are a large amount of people out there who are crazy about LEGO. However, most of the fans are kids or adults. Teens, not so much. Typical excuses for the lack of teen fans of LEGO include things like school gets in the way, they have extracurricular activities, etc. But I believe that LEGO can actually help teens focus, relax, and simply bring a little fun into their lives.

So in this column, The Builder’s Block, I will be posting updates on the progress of my latest LEGO project, hopefully to inspire others to continue or begin building with LEGO bricks. For this project, I will be building a minifig-scale Victorian house based on a real Victorian here in San Francisco (pictured above) out of LEGO bricks. Stay tuned for upcoming photos!