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Here’s the Dish: Bittersweet Goodbyes

I never thought that I would see this day finally come: my last post at The Wave. In all honesty, these past six cycles have flown by. I know that I have been talking a lot lately about college, but I now have to face the fact and say goodbye to everyone and everything that I’ve grown comfortable with. In a couple of short days, I will be boarding my flight, but I love SF too much to leave it behind, even if it’s just a few months. Truth be told, I don’t know where I will end up in a few years, but I am proud that I grew up in the Bay.

Recently, I have been reflecting on the milestones I have experienced in these past few years: I earned my first paycheck, traveled to a developing country for a service trip, went to my first concert, and multiple others. I know I will surpass even more milestones in college and there is so much that I have yet to see.

To conclude this column at Here’s the Dish, I put together a short playlist of songs that relate to growing up. This topic of growing up has been especially prevalent these past months as I have to learn to be more independent. These songs address many different aspects: the wisdom you learn, the inevitability of breaking ties or growing apart from others, the new opportunities available, and many more. Moreover, I’ll probably listen to this playlist fifteen times when I endure seven hours of travel time and a two hour layover. Traveling by myself for an extended period of time isn’t my favorite thing to do, but at least I have music to soothe and lull my nerves. I’m leaving early because I have to attend a pre-orientation retreat with a civic engagement and then orientation starts a few days later, which my parents are meeting me at. Nonetheless, I’m excited to start school soon after and adapt to this entirely new surrounding.

Lastly, I’d like to say thank you to everyone in The Wave for making my past two years great and also for everyone who has read my posts! With everything that has been changing, I knew that SMW has been a constant. Although each cycle is distinct, as many Wavers come and go every term, I have felt a comfort here that resembles the feeling of being at home. It’s been such a great pleasure being a part of this program and I will certainly miss eating a disturbing amount of chips with salsa and denouncing all the terrible puns I hear at SMW.