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Wandering on Cloud Nine: Hey From the Bay!

Benvenuto! Mabuhay! Kales Orísate! Dobrodošli! Welcome to Wandering on Cloud Nine! Here’s a little background info: my name is Janelle! I’ve lived in the Bay Area my whole life. My favorite place in SF is the 16th Avenue mosaic steps on Moraga, where the view is absolutely breathtaking, especially during sunset. I’m a Scorpio (unless NASA suddenly changes the astrological sign). My favorite food is sushi (so good)! I’ve been traveling since I was two years old. I’m always excited for the summer because it means there’s no school and I get to travel to different places! I’ve gone to Hawaii, the Philippines, New York City, Toronto, and many more places. Last summer I was able to go to Europe, specifically to Italy, England, Croatia and Greece! Most of my posts on Wandering on Cloud Nine will be about my travels from this trip. I’ll be posting about different travel tips and my journey through these beautiful places. Stay tuned for my next adventure!