Whether you call it “Fall,” whether you call it “Autumn,” whether you call it “The Time Summer Left Us Cause It’s a Jerk” or “The Pumpkin Spiced-Everything Season,” or “That Time of Year When All Those Leaves Get Brown and Crunch and Stuff”… it’s here. Summer has indeed waved us a final farewell and, yes, those leaves are changing shades and just about ready to, well, FALL to the ground. But it is not all bad news folks, as the season’s change does indeed mark the beginning of a new cycle here at The Wave, and—even better—we have a whole new class of internet-ruling contributors to introduce you too! So without further ado, get familiar with the faces of Sunset Media Wave‘s Fall 2016 class below, and be prepared for them to wow you with an abundance of art, videos, music, photography, stories, and more over the next few months.