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Creating The Happy: You Come First. Always.

Hey people! It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been on Sunset Media Wave. I’ve been so caught up in the world that I needed some time to catch up and comprehend the things around me. I have spent weeks feeling absolutely terrible about things, like being tired or being lost in all the responsibilities that have been thrown at me as I attempt to get through my senior year of high school. To sum it up, it sucks being busy, especially with things that you don’t enjoy. But, it’s all a part of life. I get that.

I’ve been doing some thinking lately, and because of that, I’ve realized that I have no reason to apologize or be sorry for myself. No one has the obligation to put themselves down over things that they cannot control. I’ve learned that situations—bad or good—can come up out of nowhere, and it’s not necessarily our fault if we get thrown off of our designated paths.

Despite all of this, there is one thing that you should always consider and take care of. And that is you.

You have the right to stop and think about yourself.

You have the right to know what you want.

You have the right to be important to yourself.

You have the right to come first. Always.

Following this sudden realization, I took the time to treat myself to things that I like to do, or things that make me happy. Personally, I find happiness in being able to roam free and enjoy whatever’s around me. This particular time, I spent one entire day appreciating San Francisco while accompanied by two very good friends. Lucky for you, and everyone else reading this, I took some photos along the way!

We started off in Pier 39. As usual, it was bombarded by tourists and visitors. That’s always lovely.
Learned that dogs can be a lot cooler than most people, though, I already sort of knew that.
This is my friend Marvin. I call him Mumvin because he's very motherly. He bought us all donuts!
This is my friend Marvin. I call him Mumvin because he’s very motherly. He bought us all donuts!
The ice cream place by this little courtyard was amazing, mostly because it had no line.
I could build something like this. Just give me a couple years. Or decades.
Shioun is pointing to where how tall he'd like to be someday.
Shioun is pointing to how tall he’d like to be someday.
This is Shioun behind some artwork. I can never get him to look at the camera.
The sun began to set when we made it to Downtown SF, and the city lights complimented the sky pretty well.
The sun began to set as we made it to Downtown SF. It had been a very long day, but it wasn’t quite over yet.
Fueling our happiness with some late night dinner at Mel's!
We fueled our happiness with some late night dinner at Mel’s!
Good music, good place.
Good music, good place.
Look at that gloriousness. I was so happy.
Look at that gloriousness. I was so happy.
Processed with VSCO with 4 preset
Marvin and I split a milkshake and they gave it to us in separate little cups. Equality in milkshakes!!
It was real dark out by now. The neon lighting in the restaurant gave it some real nice vibes.
It was real dark by the end of our journey. The neon lighting in the restaurant made for some real nice vibes.
Ending off the night at a secret view on the 34th floor of the Hyatt. City lights make great nights.
We closed the night with a secret view on the 34th floor of the Hyatt. City lights make great nights.