Sunset Media Wave is a Bay Area Community Resources program located at the Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset district. We are funded by the SF Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF), the California Arts Council (CAC), and private donations. All of our partners believe in the transformative power of the arts and its potential to elevate, challenge, and nurture our community.
BedRock IQ: The End?!?!
Vivian Kwan
This bread we nabbed from the dungeon was pretty stale, but better than the zombie jerky we have in our pockets. We took a dip through the end portal and we encounter a massive group of endermen.
Scary. (They can teleport.) Our llamas are nowhere to be found. Perhaps they are hiding in that mysterious looking city in the distance? Occasionally we hear a blood-curdling roar and wonder what it might be. We find out that the moon looking rock isn’t really moon rock, but an end stone! There is a never- ending drop into a supposedly bottomless void. When we tossed it over the cliff, we couldn’t hear the endstone land. Scary. NitroJr and I wonder how to get out of this place. We hatch plans. We scout the area. We find out the source of the scary roar. A dragon with purple and black scales; purple flakey specks spew from its mouth. We black out. *UFO noises fill your speakers*
See Also
Ambitious Animation Batteries: Powering Up
In the Loop: House
Imaginary Paint: The Cabin
Long Story Short: I Could Probably Keep Going