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Love Out Loud: Here’s to New Beginnings

Hello, hello! I’m Leticia and thanks for checking out my column, Love Out Loud!

Now, just to introduce myself: I’m an ENFP personality type (which basically, means I’m super free-spirited and outgoing and I care a lot about others. If you’re curious about what an ENFP personality type is, you can read more about it here and even find out your own personality type too). As a senior soon graduating from high school, I feel like I let time slip out of my fingers, but in the little time that I have left in high school, I want to use this column to share what I’ve learned. You really only spend a small fraction of your life in high school and, sure, you learn a lot of facts and figures and things in those stress-inducing academic classes, but you never really learn how to take care of yourself through it all.

The one thing I hope you take away from reading my column is to learn to accept 100% of who you truly are. It can be a journey to learn to accept yourself but it’s a journey we all go through. Hopefully, my posts can provide a bit of stress relief and an overall way to start to learn how to love yourself a little more.

That’s all for now, see ya soon!