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Love Out Loud: Who Are You?

Hey, it’s me again! So I’ve got a question for you today:

Who are you?

Your name is easy, but who exactly are you? What really defines you? What do people think of when they see you or hear your name? What do you want people to think of when they hear your name?

I’ll give you an example. I’m Leticia (pronounced luh-tish-uh), but I’m also optimism, curiosity, and forgetfulness wrapped up in one. Upon hearing my name, most people would first ask how I spell it or even for some words that might sound like my name, but that’s to be expected. My close friends might say that when they think of me, they think of someone who will listen to them and laugh with them. But, I can also get pretty sassy and caught up in my emotions. I myself think that my most important quality is my empathy, my ability to see and understand how others feel. This is especially helpful when a loved one is going through a tough time, because I can be someone they can relate to. What I want is for people to think of me as a supportive person who just wants everyone to be happy.

Now, I’m sure an introduction like that for yourself wouldn’t be very hard to write, but I know it can be hard to think of things to say. The trouble I personally had for some was figuring out how exactly do I find myself and who I am? How do I even begin to answer these questions?

Throughout my first years of high school, I kept myself busy studying and trying to fit in with the crowd. I wasn’t sure why I focused solely on school, but I spent so much time doing this that I ended up neglecting something very important, my own self. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted. I didn’t even know what I was going to do with my life, or what my own values were. Did I want to please myself or did I want to please other people?

I was tired of my life revolving around grades and trying to fit in so I decided to put myself first. I felt like I was a bit late in trying to figure out who I was, unsure of what I wanted or who I was when everyone seemed to have it all figured out. But I got there. How did I do it?

I lived my life the way that I wanted.

Now, I’m not going to be that person who will reprimand you for not knowing yourself yet or not knowing what you want to do in life. I totally get it. It can be hard to completely find who you are, but that’s what your teen years are for! You’re only a teenager once so it’s the perfect time to explore and experiment. Plus, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you to decide what you want to do! As long as you know who you are, what your values are, and what you want other people to know about you, that’s really all you need. It’s going to take time to find who you are, but it’s going to be some time well spent. And whatever happens, you’ll be okay, I promise.

The only piece of advice I hope you leave with today is to not revolve your life around the things in this world. Don’t focus solely on grades, test scores, or fitting in with the crowd because in a couple of years, you’ll find out that your own happiness is the only thing you need.

That’s it for today, thanks for reading!