Collection Agency: Cool Danish Art, Surreal Portraits, Master Lego Builders, and Lots and Lots of Music

Hello and welcome to a new edition of Collection Agency. As you may remember from last month, Collection Agency is a semi-regular column where we ask Wave contributors to share some of the best stuff they’ve found on the internet. This edition includes a number of entrancing music videos, work from some unique artists (both in the field of illustration as well as LEGO), a Bonnie & Clyde musical, and—to start us off—an intense, richly detailed animation.

What are you waiting for? Now is the time to scroll down and get ready for some good ‘ol internet-based distraction!!!

1. An Intense Animation
Paths of Hate is a stunning animation of a dogfight between two pilots teeming with emotion. This artistic piece also serves as a deeper commentary on what hatred can do to people. Watch it here. (You can also check out a video about the making of the film here.) – Hiroya Gojo, From Zero to a Game

2. A Glorious New Video from Hayley Kiyoko

Hayley Kiyoko, our gay savior, has delivered unto us yet another beautiful, gloriously gay masterpiece. I especially love the lyrics, “You will never understand/ Even when you hold my hand/ I just feel alone, feel alone.” – Hannah Liu, Find Your Voice

3. Ten Pairs Dreamy Colors with A Calming New Song

“Dream in a Dream” is truly a dreamy song, and one hell of a way to kick off Ten’s first project outside of NCT. I really love the colors in this video, and the song overall is just really calming. – Alicia Ng, Between the Seams

4. Markus Rollbühler’s Detailed LEGO Creations

From spaceships to Harry Potter, and most recently a microscale St. Basil’s Cathedral (pictured above), LEGO builder Markus Rollbühler has created stunning builds out of numerous LEGO themes. His recreation of St. Basil’s Cathedral is a LEGO microscale, a smaller-than-minifigure-scale, that features all the perfect details and amazing colors. The rest of Rollbühler’s lego creations can be seen here. – Jasmine Liang, The Builder’s Block

5. Hieu Nguyen’s Surreal Portraits

Artist Hieu Nguyen creates amazingly surreal watercolor portrait paintings that feature rich blues and reds that warm my soul. Most of these paintings have Asian influences, which I particularly appreciate due to the current lack of Asian representation in American media. Check out Nguyen’s Instagram here to see more of his art. – Jennifer Cheung, Paper Planes

6. Cool Illustrations from a Cool Swiss Dude

One of my favorite illustrators is Michael Furler. He’s a cool Swiss dude who draws a lot of fun things! His bright colors makes me gasp and swoon. It’s some top-notch stuff! Check it out here! – Amanda Kallenbach, Tip Jar

7. A Bonnie and Clyde Musical

This musical stars Jeremy Jordan and Laura Osnes as the iconic American duo Bonnie and Clyde. The show treats the two characters as real people with many dimensions and does not romanticize the dynamic of their relationship; both characters are rough and their relationship is far from healthy. The jazz-styled music helps carry the show and tells a story that is both heartbreaking and beautiful. Really, this show is a work of art and should have done way better on Broadway. – Johanna Klaimann, Train of Thought

8. Andie Isalie and a Puppet Sing “Yesterday”
One day, while looking up covers of songs on YouTube, I stumbled upon Andie Isalie. I love her bubbly personality and amazing singing, especially in this cover of “Yesterday” by The Beatles. – Melina Diaz, The Meme-ing of Life

9. Andie Isalie and a Puppet Sing “Yesterday”

Joshua Boulos is so cool, and you should check out his cool Tumblr here. He’s going to go to RISD with Amanda. I hope they become best friends! – Hannah Cosselmon, Mixed Vegetables

10. Oh Wonder Makes Chill Music

Oh Wonder is definitely a group that deserves more recognition. I came across them when I was on Connor Franta’s YouTube channel a few years ago. I wanted to hear some new music and Connor recommended them, so I decided to go with it. This is chill music, listening to it really relaxes me when I’m stressed. – Michelle Chu, BookME