Sunset Media Wave is a Bay Area Community Resources program located at the Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset district. We are funded by the SF Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF), the California Arts Council (CAC), and private donations. All of our partners believe in the transformative power of the arts and its potential to elevate, challenge, and nurture our community.
The Guest List: Davis O’Shea
Naomi Hawksley
Featured on this installment of The Guest List we have Davis O’Shea, an 18-year-old Berkeley native. Here’s a blind contour he did of himself:
Here is a small but puzzling thing that happened to him:
I was like 4 years old or something, and I was wearing this I Love New York t-shirt and I was walking home from the BART station, and I was crossing the street and all these cars pulled up. Then this guy jumped out and was all ‘I love New York too!’ And I was like ‘Ehhye’. Then I just walked home. Yeah.
Here’s an illustration of that thing:
See Also
Haikus and Things Askew: Faces of Food
ReReDesign: Nike
The Wave: An Ode to the Founding Members
The Journey of a Juggler: Mission Murals