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And Dim Sum More: Mum Luv

Mothers are gifts from the gods above. They’re always there, whether we’re at our best or our worst. My mom has a few quirks that many other Asian moms share (and others that are uniquely hers). Enjoy this starter pack inspired by my wonderful birth-giver!

Forget Pepto-Bismol, moms deliver the holy grail: tiger balm. This salve has one of the strongest of smells and cooling sensations, but it works magic on sores and aches. My mom is always looking out for my health, so I can never get away with sitting at my desk for four hours straight. For most Asian moms, sun protection is of utmost importance, since they don’t want any wrinkles! My mom can never have too many hats or bottles of sunscreen.

WeChat is a texting service, Facebook, Instagram, news outlet, QR code scanner, and even more. The application is used by everyone in China for absolutely everything, so my mom spends hours on it texting relatives, reading miscellaneous articles, and watching obscure videos. At home, the floor isn’t lava, but rather a freezing pile of dirt in my mother’s eyes. Slippers are a must. My posture is horrible, and my mom likes to remind me by slapping my back to make me sit up straight. My mom is also extremely loud, whether she’s watching videos, talking on the phone, at restaurants, or lecturing. Especially when lecturing.