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Psychic Psychedelia: Malik Charles Payton [Xanubis] 2

This week in Psychic Psychedelia I will be continuing the introduced topic from the last post. My friend Malik has been working non-stop on his music, so I have been working on new song/album art for him. I have been really enjoying creating these pieces, but at times, I have been feeling stumped. So as of last week, I started drawing for at least thirty minutes every single day. I feel like this has opened up my creativity a bit already. I am excited to see how my skills grow as I continue drawing consistently.  This will be my final post of the cycle, so I really hope you all enjoy it. Have a wonderful break and send some Christmas cheers to my bro Malik here.

My Creation

“X before my name but do not call me X-Anubis

Baby Xan that ease the pain

and all these hoes that’s how I do it, yuhh

I just see my brain and rap for fame like Imma get it aye

I just see my brain and rap for fame like Imma get it aye”


The Orignal