I never expected one trip to China to completely change up my wardrobe, but after spending two weeks roaming the streets of China and seeing Chinese fashion trends everywhere I went, I became a changed person. Prior to the trip, I always stuck with skinny jeans. However, wherever I went in China, I saw women sashaying down the sidewalk in their flowy, flexible culottes. I was inspired. While traversing through a busy night market in Taipei, I came across a pair of striped culottes and bought them on a whim for $6. I didn’t expect to love the fit as much as I did, but the way the fabric felt, so light and comfortable, made me purchase two more pairs for $5 each in Xian. Since coming back, I have acquired even more pairs of big pants. I have noticed that American retailers have started selling more and more styles of wide leg pants, and I see more and more of my peers sporting the look. My friends and I have even devoted the 17th day of each month as Big Pants Day.