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Feeling Nostalgic: Sunshine Bliss

Summer is my favorite season by far. I love the warm weather and the bright yellow sun that seems to make the world around me glow with remarkable happiness. As you might expect, my fondest memories are from the summer because it’s my greatest opportunity to explore new places. In this piece, I am reflecting on my time in Europe two summers ago.

This picture was taken while I was exploring the heart of Belgium with my dad. He spent the first ten years of his life in Belgium, and was eager to share the city of Brussels with me. I remember falling in love with the towering castle-like buildings throughout the city. My dad and I walked through the Grand Place, a popular tourist attraction in Brussels. There was some kind of fair going on and families took to the streets to socialize in the courtyard while enjoying delicious food provided by local restaurants.

I wanted my picture of the building to represent the serenity of summer, and the poppy flowers to represent joy and liveliness. When I look at this piece, I remember eating Nutella ice cream and feeling a sense of bliss while taking in the beauty that this moment had to offer.