Sunset Media Wave is a Bay Area Community Resources program located at the Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset district. We are funded by the SF Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF), the California Arts Council (CAC), and private donations. All of our partners believe in the transformative power of the arts and its potential to elevate, challenge, and nurture our community.
Los Cassettes de los Recuerdos: Ojos al Pasado
Juana Tostado
Eyes are those magnificent instruments that let most humans see the world. I seem to have an obsession with eyes, because I find myself drawing eyes constantly, especially in class. Recently, I found this really interesting quote:
“The eye is like a mirror, and the visible object is like the thing reflected in the mirror.” – Avicenna, early 11th century
Despite its ancient origins, I find it relevant, because it made me think that maybe the reason I don’t make eye contact with people is because I don’t like what I see in the mirror. Or in other words, that I don’t like myself. I know that doesn’t make sense because the quote says that the eye is the mirror, not the person. Nonetheless, I wonder if the reason why I don’t look at people in the eyes is because I’m afraid of making connections. Uncertainty scares me. Not knowing whether I can trust a person, or if my feelings will only lead to sadness. By avoiding eye contact, I can think of my interactions simply as two voices without any need for feelings or connection.
In an old video from my childhood, I say “Shut up your eyes!” This is a direct translation of “Callate los ojos!” In my mind, this was a kinder way of saying, “Shut your mouth” [“Callate la boca”]. I was too young at the moment for that to mean anything, but if I analyze myself as an outsider, it’s like I was telling them to close their eyes. My theory is that it was my way of telling others to stop talking so that I could be heard. That wasn’t the best way to handle it, but it was a way to make myself be seen. These days, I wouldn’t think of saying that. In fact, I find it hard to have a conversation, because I never know when to talk, and I don’t want to interrupt anyone.
When I think of closing my eyes, I think of relief and escapism. The simple act of closing my eyes makes me feel like I can disappear for a moment in time.
See Also
Paragon Gem: You’re a Gem
CLAY’SMIND: The Workplace (Not The Office)
Chloe Smiles: What Chloe Listens To
Fashion Soup for the Sartorial Soul: Saturated Summer #2 (Green)