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Feeling Nostalgic: Ski Season

When I was younger I hated skiing with a passion. I was repulsed by the idea of waking up early to put on uncomfortable ski clothes and boots, only to spend the whole day going down a cold icy hill. My toes and fingers would always go numb, and on each chair lift ride I would fantasize about sledding and drinking hot chocolate. However, by the end of each Tahoe trip I would be sad to go back to the city. This irrational cycle of my love-hate relationship with skiing continued for years. Then finally one day it hit me, as I was excited to go to Tahoe because I realized how much I enjoyed skiing and spending time in the snow. The feeling of flying down a mountain as fast as you can is so exhilarating and amazing. I don’t go up to Tahoe as much anymore because of my busy schedule, but when I do have the chance to ski, it feels even more special.