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Paper Alien: Doodling

I’ve always found that mindless doodling is the best way to come up with new characters. Instead of doodling in a sketchbook, I usually draw on Post-It notes or scrap paper that I find around my house. Whenever I try to start a new sketchbook, my work always ends up being more precise. I try to make everything perfect so that’s why I do most of my drawing on Post-It notes. Down below are four doodles I’ve created that are supposed to be as weird as possible while at the same time keeping them pretty simple.

My original idea for this was to make a city silhouette but I ended up drawing a dog next to it.
This was a quick sketch of a punk zombie that morphed into something weirder.
In this one I wanted to incorporate Charlie browns weird jagged shirt.
Here I just wanted to mess around with different head shapes to show some variety.