The collage set I created is my definition of the theme “interworld” by piecing together the two universes of my life. Yin and Yang, light meeting dark, safety versus mystery, each being their own abyss. The effervescent light side of my collage is based on the warmth of my childhood and the comfort of possibility in new beginnings. When I was young, I was graced with the feeling of pure joy, each new thing was an exciting experience. For this I composed a bright and light color palette.
The never ending darkness reflects my unknown future, bringing up swirling thoughts of unease and fear. Translated in deep purple, blues, and murky green.The baby reminds me that life constantly imitates the past, and everything that you come from, follows you forever. Within the darkness there is always a silver lining to discover.

I. The Effervescent Light
Waking sun
Beginning earth
Grasping fresh air, free from the purgatory
Pumping with possibility
Young and impressionable
Exotic orange potential with effervescent pink dreams
Held steadfast, yet close
Safe isolation of sheltered innocence
Neutered anew

II. The Never Ending Darkness
Lingering scent of faraway days
Lost summer nights, turn cold seasons past
In quick gleams and undreamt prophecies
Future fails to reveal itself
Baby skin, now aged and pimpled
Fresh clear eyes, fogged over with seen secrets
Thick drapes cloud my better judgment
I stay, sucked into this endless spiral
Faded sunrise, incoming sunset
Too late to turn back
Til I burrow into this earth
Chrysanthemum covered
Listlessly I’ll lie