A story of a daring 3D fish in a 2D world! Lucky Fish’s Trip Around Eurasia is 3D model of a fish with shoes. He likes to travel and is a dedicated eBay seller. I created him in Blender and plan to publish a longer animation of his travels on the eBay video channel sometime in the future. For the Lucky Fish zine, I created this video so you could get to know him in the meantime:
Diary Entry, Day 473
Today, I strolled through the cobblestone streets of a little village in Georgia (the country, not the state—still not used to human geography). My shoes, which were in desperate need of a resole after last week’s ill-advised trek up the Altai Mountains, held up surprisingly well. A local cobbler repaired them for the price of one sardine, which felt reasonable, if a little speciesist.
I must admit, walking on land still feels strange. Every so often, my gills try to flare out of habit, but I remind myself that I’m an adventurer now—a trailblazing, shoe-wearing fish exploring Eurasia on behalf of all aquatic-kind. Not to brag, but I don’t think there’s another perch-turned-pedestrian who’s hiked the Ural foothills or crossed a Kazakh desert with nothing but a canteen and a well-polished pair of gold boots.
Today’s highlight was a surprising one: the Black Sea. Seeing it from land, the waves crashing dramatically, I felt a pang of homesickness. I thought about diving back in, but honestly? I can’t imagine going fin-to-fin with a group of herring ever again. The gossip, the aimless darting—no thanks. I belong here now, boots on my fins and dirt under my soles.
At dusk, I climbed a hill and watched the lights of Tbilisi flicker in the distance. There’s a certain charm to cities, even if their air is a bit dry for my liking. Tomorrow, I’ll head down to the markets and see if I can barter for a map of Armenia and directions to the Cross Garden. I hear the roads are steep, but I’ve got the legs for it—and the shoes to prove it.
yours and yours alone,
L.Fish (Explorer, Walker, Pioneer of the Shoed Fish Movement)

Here are some works in progress!