The Duckling is a side storyline to Love War that is required viewing for anyone who wants to know more about ducks, love, war or lore. More specifically, this cut explores the duck’s past, and the duck encounters the girl for the first time. Please enjoy this (highly detailed) piece of duck lore!
The duck had a past, like everyone else.
What does neglect look like for a duck?
Do ducks really perceive the world like humans do?
Ducks are just like us: they are beings who want to feel appreciated for what they do.
The Duckling, from the duck’s perspective.
There I stood,
Watching two humans argue.
I didn’t understand,
Why did he break her window?
For some reason,
I started crying.
The sky responded to my tears.
When I came into this world,
A magnificent golden hue
Was glowing inside of me.
My family saw me merely as
Someone who was different from the rest.
The Duckling continued, from the girl’s perspective.
How do you know you can trust someone?
I had been looking
Through the shattered glass,
Only to discover a small duck
In the rain,
Alone and afraid.
I offered it a leaf,
As a peace offering.
We exchanged eye contact
For a split second.
“Please don’t worry,
I feel your pain…”
[To be continued.]