Sunset Media Wave is a Bay Area Community Resources program located at the Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset district. We are funded by the SF Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF), the California Arts Council (CAC), and private donations. All of our partners believe in the transformative power of the arts and its potential to elevate, challenge, and nurture our community.
After the Storm: Per Aspera Ad Astra
Emily Chee
“Per aspera ad astra” is a Latin phrase meaning “through hardships to the stars”.
Everyone is fighting through their own struggles in the hopes of getting to the stars. For me, I recently broke ties with two of my best friends. It’s been a surreal experience. It’s been a challenge—countless breakdowns, panic attacks, and severe anxiety. At some points the difficulties seemed too much to overcome; then at other times, my life seems better after the storm. Instead of having toxic friendships, I am currently in a healthier environment surrounded by loving and supporting friends and family. During this entire experience, I’ve expressed my pain and growth through a series of short poems. Join me on this journey. As they say, always choose love and when they choose to leave, choose to love yourself harder.
See Also
Sidestreet Runway: Kickin it Old Skool
Not a Phase: Red and Orange Is the New Black
Stressed but Well Dressed: Intro
The Wave: Beach Combing